$2,999.00 USD

Cosmic Sexuality Coaching with both Founders Shalom & Victoria - 5HR Session Package

5 Live One-on-One 1 hr Sessions with both founders Shalom Melchizedek and Victoria Leanna (5HRS Total) - scheduling flexibility

Plus 6 months access to certification course & Cosmic Sexuality Certification to Teach 

- ​COSMIC SEXUALITY: This includes semen retention, cosmic orgasm, multi-orgasm development and more

What you'll get:

  • 5 1HR Online Sessions with Victoria & Shalom
  • Full Course Access for 6 months to the 100HR Learning and Certification Online Course
  • Film Viewing of our new film, Cosmic Orgasm: The Journey and Pathway of Cosmic Sexuality

1 Coaching Space Available 

What People Are Saying:

I just want to let you know how much the healing session we had has helped me so much. Things have changed for me and I feel so strong and powerful in myself I have released relationships that were not serving me and feel so much clearer on my path. There is still a lot of work I need to do but the road ahead seems so much clearer now. I feel like I have embodied the strength of goddess and trust what is for me. I would love to work with you again. Thank you so much.

Rachael, CA

If you are ready to free yourself from the negativity of attachment to toxic people and situations in your life, I would highly recommend working with Shalom Melchizedek.

Breann S.

"​Love. Growth. Sacred existence. Sovereignty. Inner peace. These are just some of the virtues and values that Shalom has reminded me during my guided meditations and spiritual sessions with him. From the very first session, within minutes of explaining my situation to him, he knew exactly what needed to change in order for me to grow and find peace within myself. I have worked with licensed therapists, spiritual healers, and many others before but they do not compare to the insight, advice, and compassion I receive from Shalom. I have noticed considerable changes within myself and will continue working with him. I see Shalom not only as a mentor, but as a long term friend. His guided meditations have improved my views on life, relationships, and spirituality. I highly recommend anyone who feels lost, confused, or hurt to try one session with him. You will be surprised by how much wisdom and compassion he has to offer. I am truly blessed to have him in my life.” -

Gary C

“Ever since my personal session with @shalommelchizedek I have experienced a shift in my energy. One of the biggest reasons I chose him as someone to help me in my own healing is because, firstly he represented a softness of something that within me had become slightly hardened. I have struggled with my masculine energy because in the past relinquishing my control with men had left me hurt which made me put up a false self mask in many aspects. I have tried to control so many of my romantic relationships because I actually find it hard to trust and didn’t trust men to know what they are doing. I guess I don’t know about you, but it really is hard at times to know when to ease your head and open your heart. Shalom when he told me not to indulge in self pleasure is because if I constantly “doing things myself”, I’m telling the universe that I don’t need to receive that pleasure in a counterpart outside who can help or I can trust. It is healthy to relinquish control to receive gifts of pleasure from others. This week, because of the practice of my discipline, I had three very positive experiences with the opposite sex that left me feeling soft.”

Tatianna, Atlanta

“Not sure where to start but for the last 2 months I have been in sessions with my Guide @shalommelchizedek and he has helped me in sooo many ways that it is indescribable...(shout out to the plug @_msv_ )..Not to mention he has this amazing book with his wife Victoria that I cannot put down called “Learning to Love” that talks about your journey to loving yourself and trusting yourself completely. The universe definitely put you in my path for a reason and I am excited to say that my transformation is because of you” Dana Bryson ​

Dana B., New York

Shalom's sessions will put you where you need to be energetically to move forward in your life. I've had sessions with a few spiritual healers but speaking to him was by far the most impactful! This isn't a paid promotion I just truly believe in him and his wife's work. Their books alone will shift your way of viewing things. Shalom has changed my life through spirit and meditation. The alignment between cords is so powerful it gives me goosebumps thinking about it. Looking forward to progress not potential

Rochell, Atlanta US